
Nowrooz Mobarak!

Nowrooz Pirooz
The occasion of the Iranian New Year starts one day ahead every four year. This year the first day of spring is March 19, 2024 due to the leap year. Evidence shows that the celebration of Nowrooz is over several thousand years old. However, this old festivity becomes younger and younger every year.

This holiday is celebrated in Iran, Afghanistan,Tajikistan,  selected areas of Pakistan, India, China, former republics of the Soviet Union, Zoroastrians, Ismailis, and Kurds from Iraq, Turkey and Syria.

Symbols of arriving Norooz are two messengers whom today are known as “Haji Firooz” and “Amo Nowrooz”. These two individuals are characters like Santa Claus in our Canadian New Year.  

The last Tuesday night of the year is known as “Shabe Chahar Shanbeh Soori”. Or Fire Jumping Celebration. This evening, people gather around a fire made from bushes and jump over the fire.. Some people believe the fire replaces the jumper’s negative traits with positive ones represented by the flames.Later in the night people knock on the doors with masks and unusual outfit ,the door knockers will not speak to howe owner but knock on a metal bowl with a  spoon this tradition called “Ghashog Zani”

The homeowner will fill the door knocker’s basket with candies and nuts ,very similar to our Hallowine .

 Nowrooz Celebration will begin on the first day of the spring goes on for 12 days, on the13th day people head out of their house to the nature.  This is known as Sizdeh Bedar, which stands for “becoming one with nature”.

 On the eve of Nowrooz, it has become customary for many of the cultures celebrating this day to gather around a table containing seven items which begin with letter S in the Persian Language. The number seven is considered to be lucky in Persian tradition and the name of this ritual is “Haft Seen”. Each item has a special meaning.

 The Tradition of Nowrooz provides us a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the unique tradition that we Canadians have embraced, and that is the realization of the importance of the vital links from culture to culture and from generation to generation. Our country, Canada is enriched by the cultures and traditions that have been brought here from distant lands and on this occasion, we celebrate the Iranian New Year “Nowrooz” and thereby contributing to a strong and harmonious Canada. Iranian Canadian community with great pleasure extend warmest greeting to everyone celebrating Nowrooz.